Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How hard it is to follow instructions

First of all I will say that following instruction it’s not difficulty at all, it depends on the task, instructions, time and motivation from the team leader. Because it does matter how difficulty the task is, as long the support is up there, happy staff make more production because of the motivation from the top level.
Sometimes to follow instruction is difficult because of the miss interpretation of the task, and rules didn’t follow according to the task was given , which means the blame lies between two parties. It mighty happened that the team leader does not have a formal education or management skills, or else feel threaten by the way I do my work.
I believe that most of the time students (interns) don’t want to follow instruction because of the current qualification they have, sometimes  you find that student have been ask to make a tea and take dustbin out every  Mondays. They refuse to do so, because they think its not a part of the job description and we tend to forget that somewhere somehow we have to start from the bottom despite of the qualifications we have.     

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